Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Shater Autorig

Shater Autorig is humanoid feature Animation rig creator and olso Games simple rig creator, with flexible and easy to use animation tools for production (unlimited pose manger/keying tools/reseting/ik-fk/stretching/squashing/bending limbs and spine) 

I Believe Your time is valuable in production , Let Shater Autorig do the technical work and you focus your effort and money on Animation.

Tutorial - overview :

new in v2.2

How to edit controller shapes/Fingers controller edit

Who can use this?

any simple max user can use Shater autorig its very simple to use.
*recommeded for generalists and riggers to save their time.

What kind of Rigs it gives ?

 humanoid Games Rigs and feature Animation production humanoid rigs.


-make humanoid rig with great features in just sec's.
-Multi Type Rigs: you can choose between several rigs (Feature animation rig  or simple rig for games or secondry characters)
-simple workflow and easy to use: (workflow is linear but with saving guide option you can edit your guide and reRig in less than a min. )
-FK-ik controls
- stretchy limps &spine.
-bendy-curvy limps: (with 2 types of animatable controllers , simple modifer can bend your limbs as needed or by viewport controllers which can be hided/shown as needed from character tools.
-powerful pose manger: (unlimited poses for each characters body and face ) and remaping poses between characters is easy cause they have similar naming sets. (pose factory is free now and you can try it on any character )
- clean layering system for rig bones helpers controllers
-auto skinning (add skin modifier to all character mesh with all skin bones auto -no auto vertex weighting- means you have to edit skin vertex weight/paint or envelopes manually)
-rig tools for reseting to Tpose anytime, keying all , load save animation , load save unlmited poses.
-naming independant : you can change your character name even after the rig is created and all the rig and its tools will work just fine.
-rig tools: for reseting to Tpose anytime, keying all , load save animation , load save unlmited poses.

see Youtube videos for Workflow.

--character tools (keying -reseting to Tpose-save/load temp pose -save load animation - changing squash/stretch -show hide extra level controllers - rename character - and other stuff)
--Pose manger unlimited poses with 2 ways of grouping poses.

--Biped Integeration amd loading .bip mocap:
its not included cause it has many bugs on automation(not production ready and could complicate things) , i hope it will be production ready at v3.0
[reason i'm not working on automating this feature is most of my users need high end animation rig (or simple rig for games which autorig support too scince v1.0) , if they want biped they would make a biped from the start)

max versions:
Created and tested on max 2014 , but i think no problem with 2011 and above , if u have a problem Report plz.

History V1

Shater Autorig V.2.0 Released Get it now
license: it cost only 50$ for a full License. ( Paypal /Gumroad)

or Paypal to
as soon as I get your money and request file in mail I'll send your Full version . (12-36 hours)

For License Generation Process please run this script and enter your info , it will generate a RequestFile for you send the file to me .

Download Request licenseFile Generator Script
and I'll send "Shater AutoRig" latest version fully activated as soon as I get your request.
license Renewal for updating hardware every year for free
--Shater AutoRig License is locked to one machine , but the character tools will work in any machine.
so Creation of the rig need a License , running the rigs and rig tools isn't a problem in any machine. 
so for a small Animation studio you need only one license and its only 100$

--if u have any problems , bugs or errors post here or on FBpage or mail me , and i'll mail you for any updates,fixes.

Download A Rig made with shater autorig for Testing :
Try it now
Download moody rig v1.1 From cgmeetup

download mirror -- cgmeetup is down.
exe setup
 manual setup

-autorig has no biped integration - and cloth dynamics bones like this rig , i added those for testing it was buggy to automate -doable still maybe when the autorig is more popular- , but all other options on this rig is the same on the autorig .


*are the rigs created by shater autorig tool is production ready ?
yes , humanoid rig totally ready for animation pipeline , or games pipeline with the simple rigs , not one kind of rig its multi option gives you varity of options and tools for animators , makes your life easier as a rigger or generalist save your time.

*how to get a License?
-buy the script then  Download Request licenseFile Generator Script
Run it on the machine you want to license (one license = one machine), it will generate a request file just send me that file and i'll mail the last version of the script
-Rigs created by the Shater Autorig tool will be running on every machine (need character_tools + pose factory ) for animators machines rig will work with its tools in any machine.
just dont forget to copy character_tools.mse and ShaterPoseFactory.mse to "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 20xx\scripts\ShaterStudio\" for animators pcs to have full control of rig tools.

*i got my character rig wrong do i need to start over ?!
no , always name your character before making the guide and save the guide as a file or from the script "save guide" button
this way if you didn't like something or mess up on one or two bones locations just delete the rig completly or open your mesh file,and load your guide from the script , edit it , resave it just incase, and create your rig again in less than a min. you will have your rig fixed.

*how to change controller shapes (I don't like the controller shapes)?
2-3 min Tut up (the one with the minion) i show several ways to do that , make your character unique or the way you like it very quickly with integrated tools in a few min.

*does it include Autoskining ?
yes auto skinning all skin bones to skin modifier but not auto weighting vertex (means you got to work manuall on your skin (vertex weight,paint,envelopes).
olso it has skin bones collected in selection set/layer for skinning manuall.

*does it have biped integeration (load mocap .bip) like mody character on the blog?
well , no (for current version)
I will integrate it with an update if i have more support of the tool or more users really need the tool with this option , its very buggy right now can't integrate something that buggy on production tool.
olso moody rig came with dynamic sliders thingy for realtime cloth sim trick ( its not a prodction ready tool too , so its not included too maybe later it will be released ).

*what about the face rig , and animals (Quadruped, tails )?
Shater autorig is humanoid autorig , unfortionatly no face rig automation ,olso no Quadruped rigs
but you may use the tool as your need fits , spine/limbs can be used the way you like.

*can i make changes to the rig to fit my needs and add bones, controllers?
-yes , (If you know what you are doing)
-to make the rig tools work with no problems what you need to do is:
for the body:
- if you change any parenting/child links please freeze transform (can be found in quad menus when pressing alt+right click) ,this is for default \Tpose to work with no problem , olso new created controllers should freeze transforms too.
-layering system isnt to be messed with naming or anything , add your newly created controller to the controller layer , character tools will work with it on saving/loading animation or poses or keying or resetting.
-For the face controllers in order to use pose factory to save face poses too just put all face controllers on layer named "chname_Face_contols" so if chacter named "Minion" it will be "Minion_Face_contols".
editting the original rig itself, copy paste parts ,adding removing links/constrains all of that may cause errors or misbehave on character tools which i can't support bugged edited charcter rig so this needs a rigger know what he's/she's doing.
but character tools need layers named right , and resetting needs frozen stuff , you get the idea.

 *I got FK/ik snapping not right?
This is common max ik solver problem if its not created the right way.
In guide setup , you need the arm on one line exactly on z axis ("Guide_l_Shoulder","Guide_l_Forearm","Guide_l_Wrist") z postion should be the same.
 , so you can move arm guides on x and y as you like on z axis take them all to one level, so Tpose model will be better .
if the arms are tilted down abit on relaxed Tpose it could work to with no problems just make sure to move locally .
-one last tip the ik elbow or forearm or knee should have an angel like defualt setup of the guide, thats all ik standard for those who don't do rigging.

*do you support the tool ?
Fully supporting any bugs (2 hours from reporting the bug to less than 2-3 days depending on my time or what the bug affecting exactly? ) , olso takes upgrade suggestion into consideration for future upgrades , just report the bug/suggestions by mail and always happy to help.
v1 users which was the simple game rig (included still) got v2 upgrade for free and all users continue to have updated versions by mail .

* I need to try Shater autorig!
 there is no trial version for this tool ,but you can download Moody Rig from above links , it was fully created by shater autorig v2.0 , try the rig ,Try the integrated animation tools and the pose manger, if you like it , then this is the Autorig for you.
oslo you can check youtube videos for the workflow and ease of use and saving your rig time for a small affordable price.

update log:

v2.2 update
*Guide (Mostly foolproof -proof against misuse-  edits)

-added Unit setup auto to cm (Try making your model close to real world scale to avoid problems later stages even Lighting need close to Real world scales -always select your meshes and hit "Model select&cleanup" too).
-mirroring you can edit left side only of the guide , rightside will be frozen , just hit "mirror guide" when you happy with adjasting your guide.(model must be on the center)
-added fingers spacing angel adjastable.
-Fingers guide also changed default for ease of use.

Fingers controller minor changes on looks and locking some unneeded rotation axis for ease of use and foolproofing only.
Hands ik parented to hips controller by defualt when you hit "link arms" and resetting pose to Tpose working fine (if you plan to change links you should freeze transforms after so resetting to Tpose to work without issues) 
*Finishing Tap
-Auto skinning button added with 2 options
auto :which get the mesh you selected and prepared on guide tap) and add skin to what you selected there. (which can contain eyes and meshes you don't need skin mod on but you can always clean later)
selected: add skin modifier to selected mesh only.
please unfreeze models b4 adding auto skinning
*note : this is basic skin modifier , Autorig just adding the skin bones for you , you need to adjast your skin (vertex weight/vetex painting/envelopes).
*same as old version skin bones are collected on a layer and on selection set for ease of use too.

*optional tap
optional tap is mostly about saving time changing controllers.
- shape thickness change on selected to edit your controllers shapes fast. 
you still can always replace the shape controller by picking any other shape while selecting the controller you want to change and hit "replace control"

update 2.1
Fixed bugs
-Mirroring fingers fix

new features
-when opening the script, identify the guide if existed on scene ( plz dont make more than one guide on one scene )

-added 2 butons on Finish section just small autolinking the whole rig -this should be manuall for best results but for those who need it (link legs and spine) and (lining arms)
-auto relinking arms to helper near the neck "chname_spine_Bendy_hlp_8" for default if its 16 bones it will link to the "chname_spine_Bendy_hlp_16" if u need to adjast it and relink to nearest "chname_spine_Bendy_hlp_" , its your call.

for simple spine game rig , plz do it manually
the arms parents helpers named "chname_L_ArmParent_Helper"

history V:1.0

Setup an update : just replace old files

have fun animating
 pose factory is free now and working with any rig just name your layers as shater autorig system or in the setup section.
download pose factory
happy animation :)


  1. Hi. The system of units that uses the script? meters mm or cm?

    1. hey , it should work with any units system , just fix autorig guide positions to your character whatever the setup is.

  2. It is a fucking bullshit.
    I tried tons of autorig scripts and no one working the proper way.
    Without any working trial, I'd say that you just fulling people.

    1. already have users working with this script , and even some rigs made with the old v.1.0 , this have years of history .
      and hellooo, paypal does have protection dude
      check my channel to try some free production scripts at least its free , and working , what about what i'm selling ? ofcourse i did more work,support on that !
      and there is a character here made with the script you can try it ,finally thanx for wasting my time :)

  3. hi sir? is your version 1.1 compatible with max 2018, i realy want to familiarize with the script before purchasing the current version.
