Shater ClothSim - The Simulation Beast
New Time saving tool for cloth simulation
it was personal tool for my work , then i decided to share it with the community
-- random wire colors
-- delete turbosmooth and shell before putting cloth --if needed
-- create a guide of cylnders for collision on biped hands legs
-- identefy cloth meshes and collision meshes be selecting order one click and u will have them setup
--multi cloth objects on one simulation automatic olso by selection order.
after simulation
-- add turbosmooth shell shortcuts
-- checks for everything has cloth modifier and add turbosmooth automatic
--dynamic fixing simple penetrations with select one click.
caching -not point cache just vertex caching on editablemesh object-
-- vertex cache of any object to keyframes .
-- save cashed cloth on the same location
-- merge cloth when needed
this is small video showing the tool , but i made some changes on the interface only
it shows some of mcloth tool script that was inside it too , you can find the - mcloth tool- here on this blog too as separated sctipt.
download shater clothsim v:1.0
If you found it useful please Donate , thanx