Tuesday, November 13, 2012

3ds max passes script

passes script

automated workflow for product rendering

in order to speed up your workflow in product rendering , avoiding long time rendering process, this script is for you.

script made for specific composting workflow



passes available

--color pass
-- diffuse pass
--rim pass
--blurry reflections
--volume light
--ground shadow

--these passes automaticly saved to state set to automate the render passes process.

setting up masks
 u can set
--rgb masks
--set ids
-- object visible to cam

choose enviroment map , ground , then apply whatever path u need and render your passes

--new in next upcoming version
displacement maps and bump maps is reserved in each pass .
 new easy UI
 luma masks

only who know little about composting will know how to use the script with any composting package.

special thanks to Hazem sabry for workflow here

--all features availble but script don't comunicate with state sets and this version works only with MR and standard materials and no support for bumbmaps & displacement.
-- use it on your own risk

download free V.0.9

have fun :)